Since the Beginning...

Cliffdweller has been around in one form or another since 1992. More recently it has been blank, but that's all about to change. Maybe.

A few years ago, I took Tim to his first rodeo. I think it was his first. If it wasn’t his first then it was his first in a long time.

Printing things in 3D, like making art using word prompts, is really fiddly. Two Xmases ago Tim gave me a 3D printer. He also gave me a box of “silk” filaments.

I was about 4 years old the first time I went to New York City. I had already developed my life-long love affair with the story of the giant monkey who climbed the tallest building in the world, so the only landmark I knew anything about in The City was the Empire State Building. And yes, I’m old enough that it was still the tallest building in the world.

I’m still experimenting a lot with ComfyUI and Stable Diffusion. To that end I’ve decided to launch a regular feature where I use song lyrics as the prompt to generate the images.

Halloween. Or to be more specific, October. That’s the last time I paid special attention to my toenails. Today it was time to seek professional help again.

Back in the nineteen hundreds this internet thing was beginning to take off. I decided I wanted to own my own custom email address and host my own website.

Anyone who knows me knows that when I find a new thing, I have to try it out. This time it’s a site generator that runs entirely in Swift. Its called Ignite and it was created with everyone’s favorite Hacking With Swift creator, Paul Hudson.

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